Group order is running now until next Monday 26.9. 21.00 (Finnish time). So please make your order in the next few days.
What is it?
In the group order I gather orders from you, order them from the wholesalers and finally ship them to you. So the benefits are wider selection and cheaper prices but the downside is long order processing time (max 10 weeks this time).
What’s new?
Not so much new things this time. Ban Pen and Cozy are the newest arrivals and I can recommend them if you haven’t tried.
Ban pen is a rather strong shou with a special deep energy, perfect is you want a deep meditative/trippy session.
Cozy on the other hand is very fragrant and chocolatey which is a great choice if you are looking for something more easygoing. I’ve enjoyed both a lot during the summer and autumn.

Also Georgian tea “Likhauri” and bovedas are back in stock.
I decreased the price 50% of Chai (with tea) and Chai (spice mix) with the idea of selling the stock out this autumn/winter.

Order processing time is max 10 weeks. So everyone should get their teas latest early December. The time could be shorter.
List of group order products and some recommendations
Shou pu’er
2021 Ban Pen – strong shou with deep meditative energy
2021 Cozy – easygoing, tasty, chololatey
2020 Clarity – quite strong character. Very clean. Bright clear energy.
2014 Gentle Home – the most popular tea of Liquid Metta and for a good reason. Great taste, great effect, lasts many brews and reasonable price.
2000 Water Lily (only full bricks) – very nice aged pu’er character. Quite pricey so not recommended if you are not familiar with pu’er.
1996 The Crazy One (only full cakes) – very nice and vibrant aged pu’er character. Reminds a bit of aged sheng because it was very lightly fermented originally. Quite pricey so not recommended if you are not familiar with pu’er or don’t have proper gong-fu teaware.
Sheng pu’er
2011 Kaikkiness 3 – extremely affordable. Nice and strong sheng character.
Dark tea
2008 Heiska – Became popular quite fast when I started to sell it. Nice vibrant character and great price to quality.
Wan’s 90s gift
2009 “normal” liubao #1 – Has the “classical” liubao characteristics and is quite cheap.
2005 Four Gold Coins – One of the best sellers. Very thick and oily mouthfeel, aged flavor.
Other tea
Osmanthus gaba oolong – Taiwanese gaba oolong + osmanthus flower. Fragrant flowery character and relaxing effect.
Georgian black tea “likhauri” – Super fragrant and fruity. Nice example of great black tea. Good price to quality.
Chai (spices & tea)
Chai (spice mix)
Other things
8 litre tea storage bag
boveda two-way humidity pack (69% RH)
palo santo
a few kettles also…
Bonus question: What would you like to see more in the webshop (or otherwise)? The webshop hasn’t been a big focus for me for a while. Now I have a lot more time to work on it so I’m open for suggestions.
If you have any questions please let me know by email (tertti[only @ here] or whatsapp [plus three five eight]443519993.